Мы собираемся установить пространство, и мы призываем наши Команды Хранителей, наши Советы Самого Великого Бога, группы поддержки Эволюции для Матрицы Идентичности Звездного Семени, тех любимых защитников и семьи, которые соответствуют миссии Закона Одного, работать вместе для достижения наивысшей способности обмена Бесконечного Света Бога, Бесконечной Любви и Бесконечной Силы в правильном Божественном порядке и гармонии.

Когда мы устанавливаем наше пространство индивидуально, я прошу вас поставить себя в свой собственный щит, — тех из вас, кто работает с 12-мерным щитом, — пожалуйста, укрепите и активируйте его индивидуально, — а тех, кто не полностью разбирается в 12-мерном щите, просто представьте себя полностью погруженным в платиновое поле света, круговое, защищающее всё ваше тело, всю вашу ауру, и мы снова будем командовать, через суверенную свободу, тем, что связано с сознанием Единства… Я Бог, Я Суверен, Я свободен… почувствуйте, что этот щит защищает вас, поддерживая вас и соединяя вас с вашим бесконечным Источником Богом…

Благодарю и восхищаюсь тем, что делает для нас на своем духовном уровне развития Лиза Ренье.

 Ее служение людям Земли находит глубокий отклик в моем духовном сердце.

С разрешения моего «Высшего Я» я взяла на себя ответственность и записала голосовую установку на улучшения физического здоровья.

Перед погружением пригласите Высшие Силы Света, попросите их помощи в проведении для вас все необходимые энергии  трансформации и очищения тел. Можете повторять вслед за голосом установки на очищения и исцеление ваших  тел, медленно и плавно погружаясь в ваши прекрасные вселенные.

С любовью и почтением к вам и вашему  Пути Елена Николаева.



Divine Source and Spiritual Advice from the Higher Self

We ask you:


Improve my overall life energy and all energies in all simultaneous dimensions

Increase the immunity of my local body, my local incarnation and improve my ability to resist infections

Eliminate all microbial infections throughout my body

Remove all toxins, poisons, heavy metals and drugs from my physical body

Remove or transmute all negative imprints

Remove and transmute all implants

Remove these imprints at the appropriate pace that is most beneficial to my health and development

Increase the harmony and communication efficiency of all parts of my body

I ask that each part of my body communicates with each other, and I send gratitude to all parts of my body

Fully activate the state of mind, Here and Now, and witness consciousness

Connect me directly to God’s life energy for my optimal health

Increase the flow of energy through my meridians, chakras and pranic tube

Please perform anAxiotonal alignment of all my meridians, chakras and pranic tube

Please synchronise my energetic bodies for optimal functioning and efficiency

Allow the perfection of my endocrine system to produce, distribute and assimilate hormones

Please seal all energy leaks or siphons and close all harmful portals open in my body

Optimise the level of oxygen in all parts of my body

Optimise thelevel of hydrogen in all parts of my body

Optimise the level of hydration in my cells and all parts of my body

Cleanse and eliminate my matrix of addiction

Optimise the mineral content of my body systems, organs and glands

Improve the salt balance of my body parts and electrolytic efficiency in my cells

Optimize the electrolyte balance and increase the electrical efficiency of all metabolic systems

Improve my metabolic assimilation and release,the utilisation of energy from the food I consume

Improve the conductive efficiency of beneficial chemical elements and compounds that enter my bloodstream

Increase the efficiency of the cellular processes of my bodyand theongoing use of these processes

Increase my level of Spiritual Intelligence, the accumulated knowledge available for my earthly deeds

Eliminate inherited or self-induced genetic flaws/defects in all systems of my body

Improve the removal of the genetic code producing toxic compounds in my body

Increase the effectiveness of my auric energy in creating conscious guidance

Improve my emotional stability in all incarnations, dimensions and realms

Increase my ability to externally spread love, compassion and patience to all creation

Increase the coefficient of the light flow through all the constituent parts of my body

Improve my well-fare/well-being — my state of health — into good health and ecstatic feelings

Increase the transmutation of free-radical oxidative damages in my body

Increase the function of all vibrational, biological filters of blood in my body

Please open my spiritual connection with the Consciousness of Oneness

Increase the efficiency of my medulla oblongata and corpus callosum

Increase the efficiency of my body, glands and structure of the organs

Install a new matrix for the structural-anatomical rejuvenation of the brain for my body

Remove the green screen of death from my body

Increase the efficiency of involuntary activities of my nervous system

Increase the efficiency of my central and peripheral nervous system

Improve the structural completeness and functional efficiency of my hologram, embryonic and etheric bodies

Fully reconnect the energetic connection of my God with all my bodies

Optimise the functioning of my brainwhich transmits energy to all parts of my body

Activate the functional efficiency of all my existing genetic codes for bodily functions

Activate my sensory abilities with the help of the third eye, pineal gland, pituitary gland and hypothalamus

Add the appropriate number of codons over and above the base 20DNA code for my body

Fully establish and improve the function of all 12 layers of DNA in my body

Improve the effectiveness of my Mer-Ka-Ba Energy light body for protection and energy balance

Remove the metabolic phase of death — reverse the physical degeneration in my body

Remove all uncoordinated programs from my body

Replace thoughtforms of the ego with thoughtforms directed by the heart

Please activate the thinking heart

Activate the trinitised form with all my energy bodies and systems

Activate, synchronise and align all energy bodies so they are in perfect harmony, integration and balance

The anchor locks and seals my hologram, the anchor locks and seals the matrix of time and all that is.

We harmonise and hold our space in the name of the One Self, the Divine Self as witness to the One, we seal this in the Light of Oneness, Wholeness, and service to the One Self. Please go through the outer levels of the grid of the mind, DNA, the karmic contract, the basic levels of the soul and beyond. Despite all moments of selfhood, through all dimensions and realities, through each of the layers of bodies, we embrace this through the field of learning of all levels and components of our existence/being… fully, totality and forever.

Beloved family, beloved teams, we thank our beloved guardians and our support of evolution, thank you for this opportunity. It is with great joy and reverence that we return Home into the Light. Our endless flow of love is always with you.